News & Events

Commencement Class of 2024

Save the Date for Commencement Weekend
May 24–25, 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

List of 9 frequently asked questions.

  • Who may attend Commencement?

  • Where should guests park?

    客人将被引导到armor学术中心后面的停车场. 毕业典礼周末期间,请勿在六年级草坪附近停车. 
  • Are there reserved seats for Commencement?

    毕业生和特别嘉宾将在帐篷前面预留座位. 为家庭和其他客人提供座位,先到先得. 希望持有座位的家庭或学生可以在上午7点开始在个别座位上放置标语牌.m. on Saturday. Any placards placed before 7 a.m. will be removed.
  • Where can we stay? Where can we have dinner on Friday evening?

    Please click here to see a list of area hotels and restaurants. 提前预定晚餐,并计划在晚上7点前回到校园.m. for the Lawn Ceremony.
  • Where can we have lunch on Saturday?

    Following the Commencement Ceremony, 欢迎大家在阿姆斯壮餐厅享用自助午餐.
  • Will photographs be taken of each student?

    Highpoint Pictures将在整个周六上午拍摄偷拍和正式照片. 毕业证书发给学生时和学生离开舞台后,将有专业摄影师为学生拍照. 我们鼓励来宾在毕业典礼前后向摄影师索要全家福. Highpoint Pictures将在毕业典礼后两周左右向六年级家长发送电子邮件, 当照片准备好被审查和购买时.
  • Will the events be livestreamed? 

    周五的颁奖典礼、学士学位典礼和草坪典礼将进行直播. 毕业典礼将于周六上午进行直播. All livestreams can be accessed at on the day of the event. 
  • When do Sixth Form students depart?

    Sixth Form students depart campus at 1 p.m. following Commencement. 家庭可以在毕业典礼前或毕业典礼后立即收拾行李.
  • 学校能容纳行动不便的客人吗?

    行动不便的客人应在armor学术中心入口处下车. 高尔夫球车将提供给需要帮助的客人前往周五晚上的草坪仪式或毕业典礼草坪上的帐篷. 请与校长行政助理Kerry Masiero联系 or 860-408-3012 to address any additional issues. 我们将尽一切努力满足你们的要求.

Contact Us

995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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